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  4. » SkySolar
14H Vega Place, Rosedale, Auckland 0632

SkySolar sprang into life in 2013

The founders have an extensive background in products which create healthier, more energy-efficient homes. Based in Auckland, we now service most of the North Island.

We’re proud to say we are end-to-end solar solution specialists. Throughout our whole process from the first handshake to the last, there are no sub-contractors or parties outside of SkySolar that handle anything. What that means, is accountability and dependability.

We’re a ‘take it to the people’ style sales team backed up by damn good technicians. We’re proud of our team and proud to take great care of our customers.

The sun is our largest and most abundant source of free energy. We firmly believe solar is the way, the truth and light for producing zero-emission energy to power your home. The importance of reducing reliance on fossil-fuel generated power to preserve our natural environment for future generations to enjoy is huge, and it’s our goal to bring this to the attention of those residing in our great country.

Now with SkySolar, it has never been easier to be your own power station.

SkySolar are a member of the Sustainable Electricity Association of New Zealand.

Contact Information
Phone: 0800 SKY SOLAR (759 765)

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