Gas Only Suppliers

There is an increasing number of innovative power retailers within NZ, however having recently moved house I found it tricky to find a complementary gas supplier.

Below is a list of standalone gas suppliers, that will not require you to also have a power account with them.

There are also price comparisons for mains gas and bottled LPG.

Provider:Gas Options:Notes:
Contact EnergyMains + BottledOpen & fixed term options
ElgasBottled Only
Energy OnlineMains + BottledNo contract
Extra $50 Signup Credit
Genesis EnergyMains + BottledOpen & fixed term options
Update 24/1/2022 - According to feedback, gas only supply no longer offered
King Country EnergyBottled Only
Mercury Energy-Only Duel Fuel
Meridian Energy-Don't Supply Gas
Nova EnergyMains + BottledOpen & fixed term options
OngasBottled Only
Powershop-Don't Supply Gas
Trustpower-Only Duel Fuel
If a power company is not listed, then likely they don't support stand-alone gas.


Nathan’s Notes:

If you notice any errors of would like to suggest amendments, please drop me a line.

21 Replies to “Gas Only Suppliers”

  1. Who do you suggest for bad credit, prepaid options for gas, I’ve looked at globug for power, they don’t seem to have gas option!

    1. Hi Tasi. Is this a bad credit issue? If so I’d be interested to hear which gas company others are with? If it’s not a bad credit issue, then I know for sure Energy Online are fine as that’s who we are with. Cheers, Nathan

  2. Hi is there any gas company that doesn’t fo a credit check please as all the above do credit checks and that’s my only issue.

  3. Tried every company for power and gas and only option is prepaid which will mean I have no hot water anyone know of a main gas only supplier

  4. Energy online/Frank Energy will stop Gas only connections from 1 March 2025 onwards…

    We have solar connection for power so desperately looking for piped gas connection companies with better rates.


    1. Existing gas customers of Frank Energy also have to find a new supplier by 1 March 2025, otherwise they will default to Genesis.

  5. Has anyone come across a gas supplier/power that doesn’t do credit checks. Currently with wise pay but need piped gas for hot water.

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