Below is a comprehensive list of power companies in NZ, market share and useful contact details.
If you’re interested in prepay energy providers, a growing segment within NZ, I have compiled a list of providers and discussion on the pros and cons of prepay.
If I am missing any, please let me know via the contact form.
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Bosco Connect (including Tiny Mighty Power)
Moderately sized electricity retailer, owned by Mercury Energy. Marketed as specialising in supplying power to inner-city Auckland and Wellington apartments under the Bosco Connect brand, and small towns under the Tiny Mighty Power brand. Around 1.3% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business: or
Contact Energy
Large power generator and retailer, supplying 20% of all NZ power connections. Publicly listed on the stock exchange as CEN.
Residential & Business:
Small electricity retailer, marketed as a carbonZero certified energy provider, which means that Ecotricity aim to buy power from wind, hydro and solar generators to match your consumption at the other end. Around 0.05% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Electra Energy
Small electricity retailer, owned by electricity distributor Electra and specialising in providing power to customers within the Kapiti and Horowhenua area. Around 0.05% of all NZ power connections.
Retail & Business:
Electric Kiwi
Small electricity retailer, marketed as being smaller, smarter and cheaper. Only available for households and businesses with smart meters installed. Aim to optimise their power purchases against your consumption. Around 0.3% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Energy Online
Moderately sized electricity retailer, owned by Genesis Energy and marketed as being simpler and cheaper. No fixed term contracts. Around 4% of all NZ power connections.
Read about our four years of experience as an Energy Online customer.
Residential & Business:
Flick Electric
Smaller electricity retailer, with pricing based upon wholesale spot prices, plus a margin. Only available for households and businesses with smart meters installed. No fixed term contracts. Weekly payments for power used. Around 0.8% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Genesis Energy
Large power generator and retailer, supplying 21% of all NZ power connections. Publicly listed on the NZ stock exchange as GNE.
Giving Energy
Tiny electricity retailer, marketed as raising funds for your school, club or charity with most customers also saving money. Around 0.02% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Moderately sized electricity retailer, owned by Mercury Energy, operating a pre-pay / top-up model and balance alerts via mobile phone. Power is disconnected if balance runs out, but no charge for dis/reconnections. Around 1.5% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business: Website
Grey Power Electricity
See Pulse Energy below.
Just Energy
See Pulse Energy below.
King Country Energy
Small electricity generator and retailer, majority owned by Trustpower and publicly listed on the Unlisted exchange. Around 0.8% of all NZ power connections.
Retail & Business:
megaEnergy & megaTel (a.k.a. Hunet Energy)
Small electricity retailer covering Auckland only, marketed as retailing bundled phone / internet / electricity packages and having multi-lingual customer service (English, Chinese, Korean). Around 0.2% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Mercury Energy
Large power generator and retailer, supplying 16% of all NZ power connections. Publicly listed on the NZ stock exchange as MCY.
Residential & Business: Website
Meridian Energy
Large power generator and retailer, supplying 11% of all NZ power connections. Publicly listed on the NZ stock exchange as MEL.
Smart Meter Rollout:
Nova Energy (& Todd Energy)
Moderately sized electricity retailer and generator owned by Todd Corporation. Strong focus on high consumption businesses customers. Around 4% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Opunake Hydro
Small electricity retailer and generator, traditionally supplying the general Taranaki region. Around 0.05% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Paua to the People
Almost non-existent electricity retailer, supplying the Wellington region. Less than 0.01% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Payless Energy
Tiny electricity retailer, traditionally supplying Dunedin and the surrounding region. Around 0.04% of all NZ power connections.
Moderately sized electricity retailer, owned by Meridian Energy, with a business model based upon heavy user interaction and operating on a pre-pay(ish) payment model. Strong focus on marketing, social media and customer service. Around 3% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Pulse Energy (including Grey Power Electricity & Just Energy)
Moderately sized electricity retailer, owned by generator Pioneer Energy and distribution network Buller Electricity. Low-price and price-certainty based business model with three-year price fixing and no early termination fee. Around 3% of all NZ power connections.
Switch Utilities
Small electricity retailer, with products targeted at commercial buildings, apartment buildings, sports clubs and schools. Around 0.05% of all NZ power connections.
Tiny Mighty Power
See Bosco Connect above.
Large power generator and retailer, supplying 13% of all NZ power connections. Strong recent focus upon supplying bundled power / phone / broadband packages to improve customer retention. Publicly listed on the NZ stock exchange as TPW.
Wise Pre-Pay Energy
Small electricity retailer, operating a pre-pay / top-up model similar to Globug. Appears to be owned by megaTel (see megaEnergy above). No deposit, credit check or fixed contract. Around 0.1% of all NZ power connections.
Residential & Business:
Nathan’s Notes:
Due to the fragmented retailer market, I have termed a retailer < 0.05% market share as tiny, 0.05% – 0.99% as small, 1% – 5% as moderate and >5% as large.
Power connection market share data sourced from the Electricity Authority,.